
1.0. General Objectives of the Corporation
The overall strategic objective of the Corporation is to transform the corporation into a professionally competent entity that provides auditing and consultancy services commercially to the cooperative movement and related entities in the associative economy.
1.2. Specific Objectives It is recommended that the Corporation should always direct itself on the following broad strategic goals:
(i) To transform the Corporation into a professionally competent Audit, Research and Consulting Organization that provides audit, supervision, research and consultancy services commercially to the clients of the Corporation in Tanzania.
(ii) To address Audit function in order to make more positive impact on the Co-operative Movement in Tanzania.
(iii) To enhance the quality of the Corporation’s Supervisory role by empowering the members to take a leading role in the management of their own societies’ affairs.
(iv) To enhance sustainability through improved internal revenue generation capacity in a cost effective way.
(v) To improve employees’ social welfare, physical infrastructure and participation in decision making.